Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't Get It Twisted.

In front of you stands a ring of fire; behind it hangs a golden key off a thin red velvet rope; to its far right is a door filled with mystery, the unknown and opportunity. To your immediate left is an open door that exposes a safe field of flowers and a lady ready to escort you out and shut the door behind her. What do you choose to do?

I say, FUCK IT!!

Kick that bitch out, slam the door shut, jump through that fire, grab the key, open that scary ass door and make a run for it!! Hahaha..

I think anything you do in life is worth doing if there's a little fear in it. Whether it be taking a new job, making a new friend, moving to a new place, building a new love, eating a new dish (always about food with me, I know.. i'm a fat ass) or just keeping what you have. What's the point in playing it safe? Aren't you bored with yourself if that's how you live? Live a little! Wear some colours! Thrust your hips and tell 'em suckas to GET OUT OF YOUR WAY or they'll get it up their bums if they don't!!

I will not limit myself to those who try to keep me down. Try me. And while you do, please take in the image of me with a smirk on my face and my finger in yours.

People are starting to misunderstand me but that's partially my fault. I've been a little too nice, a little too humble, a little too welcoming; and others (for some dumb ass reason) seem to think that it's a green light to come at me with bull shit and drama. No. Take a step back, sit your ass down and read a book. Do something productive with your mind because spending it on me will only be a waste of your energy. Comprende? Good.

On a lighter note;
I'M GOING CAMPING SOOOON!! This will be interesting.. I would love to see how the girls will be without a hair dryer, hair straightener, a comfortable bed and all that other good shit we've become accustomed to. Definitely going to bring a camera to capture all failures and stupidity for that weekend.

Also, CARIBANAAAAA!!! I'm so excited for all the SOCA, CALYPSO, CHUTNEY, DANCEHALL and of course, the foooooooooooooooodd!! Shout out to my Korean lover, Chanel, for bringing her ass up on dem floats to shake her bootaaay and rep for us asians that can move!! You laugh, but I'm telling you... not a lot of asian females can move. SO BUNG BUNG to Chanel!! You know I'm going to find you and join in ;)


(Image provided by

Ya. Get on that. Most slept on R&B artist out there.. and for those who know, you know he's my all time fav. SO GET ON THAT SHIT PEOPLE!!! :) I'm going to marry him, hehe... *sigh* I'm a loser.

ANYWAYS, I'm going to keep this blog short and leave you for the weekend.

SMILE, LAUGH, PICK YOUR NOSE, GO HARD; Just do what makes you happy.

♥ You♥ Poo?

Hahaha alright, enough bull shit. Get off my shit and do something good.

If I can't marry him, I want him singing at my wedding... haha.




Sunday, July 18, 2010

If You Ask Me I'm Ready..

Been up since 8am with a lot on my mind, all it took was one day of fun and a near death experience to wake my ass up in life. Big serious shout out to TYGA for saving my life, my boys for being there for me without hesitations and my girls for being ready to jump into a crazy current lake to save me when they aren't even the best swimmers haha. I love everyone that is in my life and I'm very thankful for life. Note to others: Wear a life jacket while on-board a boat.

While I sit here, I try to think of something important to say, something thoughtful for you to read but nothing comes up. My mind is short of words and all I can feel is acknowledgment. I am very aware of my surroundings.. the blue sky, the wind in the trees, the bed I am sitting on, the fabric upon it, my fingers against my keyboard, the inhaling and exhaling of air, and my life. I have one life to live and its this life right now. I'm not trying to be dramatic, you would only understand if you experienced shit first hand, but I'm trying to be realistic. This life we live is so fragile, It can be taken away from you so easily without you knowing or being ready for it. I don't have time for bull shit or drama, I have time for those who make me happy and for whatever I care for so I plan on carrying my life out with whatever the fuck I feel like doing, having, saying, eating to make it all worth while before I see it all flash before my eyes.
"Live every act fully, as if it were your last." -Buddha

Laugh; I think people take this life a liiiitttle too seriously. Of course we are obligated to life's responsibilities and what comes with it, but guys, breathe a little. Life is funny, take time to step the fuck back to breathe and laugh. The day you are able to accept life for what it is, that'll be the day you will understand that life is just full of coincidences, irony, lessons, love and more. Take that thought in, enjoy everything and anything that is given to you to experience. I mean, as soon as I could breathe again after the incident, I just laughed at myself with everyone and cracked jokes. Why? Because why waste time on being angry or depressing when all that I need is right here, right now. Quoc said it best, great times with great company.. I'm good with that.
"Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on. " - Bob Newhart

Family, friends, new experiences, relationships, my dog, this life - I love it all. There's nothing more important to me than those that I hold close to me in life. Yesterday, I kept thinking that there was no way in hell that I was about to go out without traveling the world, being married with kids, eating another yoyo and shit. There's too much in this world for me to experience to go down quick like that. I want to eat everything from every country/culture (after this blog, going to Taste of Brazil with P). I want to skydive. I want to buy a big canvas and paint something nice. I want to go to good concerts. I want a tattoo (and now I know what I want). I want to get rich. I want to be there for the weddings of all my girls. I want to bring up embarrassing stories at their weddings. I want to live in a different country for a bit. I want a mango milkshake. I want a New York fitted cap. I want a water balloon fight where I will throw a balloon to your face. I want to live a life of love and happiness and I'll be damned if I don't. So please, stay out of my way; either join me or stand on the sidelines. They say life is a bitch, well I'm gonna do this bitch in like she owes me something everyday!!
"A life lived in love will never be dull"
- Leo Buscaglia

IM SUPERMAN, STUPID. Come fucks wit' it :)


I still havent hooked anything besides my finger and that doesn't even count!!! And no, Lina, seaweed doesn't count either lol.

"Friends don't let friends float away.." - HC (LOLOL what a truthful and literal quote)

Let's end it with a little JL, shall we?

& OH PS PS! I know it's a little homo of me, but IM ALMOST AT 2000 hits!! LOL


Okay bye :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Moment Of Honesty.

I'm home! It's a celebration - clap, clap, bravo. I had the best weekend in New York. Shout out to my boys and the ladies that brought us out, made sure we had a great time and took care of us.. y'all put on for us Toronto chicks and we love you for it, especially you MILL! Shouts to HALOS ENTERTAINMENT and 1LUV ENTERTAINMENT; If anyone hits up NYC, they're the ones to hit up! What an eventful weekend from the beginning to the end, non-stop memories and jokes that I'll never forget and I miss it all already.

People come in your life and people go; the ones you choose to keep around you will build you to become the better knowledgeable 'you' of tomorrow, filling your life with everlasting memories and teaching you valuable lessons. I can honestly say that everything that has ever happened in my life, I don't regret a single thing, and I wouldn't live my life any different if I had a 2nd chance at it. Every good and bad that I've encountered has given me the characteristics and knowledge that I needed to make me who I am today.

I'm never one to make those New Years resolutions every 31st of December because I think that it's just a way for humans to set themselves up for failure (haha, you know you've all failed at them more than once), but this year I promised myself to always be happy; to make myself happy no matter what, even if I need to be a little selfish at times; to keep anything positive around if it makes me happy - whether they be music, food, animals or certain people; and to let all drama and negativity go or else that will be the success to my failure in the commonly expected outcomes of new years resolutions. The progress thus far? Fan-fucking-tastic!! :)

Don't get me wrong, there were a couple bumps along the way since January 1st.. a couple whatever-the-fucks that almost had me lose my directions (fuck all whatever-the-fucks) but shit happens and I'm back like cooked crack so get high off my fly bitches; Indulge! Positive energy is addictive - try it some day.

I love my crew of girls, 7 chicks deep;

I love my family, built and biologically;
I love my youth, spontaneous with journeys ;
And I love my readers, for allowing me to speak.

My mama once said to me (in corrected grammatical writing), "Anything that comes your way in life, you are the one who chooses what you want to do.. no one else. If you make a good decision, you make a good decision. If you make a bad decision, you learn from it and you go on. In the end, when you make your own decisions, you have to accept your own fate that comes with it." So I'm going to live this life and roll with the punches; If I don't, then what's the point of me living, keeping myself in a bubble secluded from all the wonders in life? Right? WRONG! HOMIE YOU MUST BE CRAAAAZYY.....just kidding, just kidding!! I'm being serious, I just wanted to lighten the mood up a little haha.

Anyways, those who actually care and for the bitches who looooove to stare.. here are some pics from my second home - NYC:

Mira mira, ven aqui.. mira mira, ven aqui..

Mira mira, ven aqui..
ven aqui.. ven aqui..



Thursday, July 8, 2010

New York State of Mind.

So this will be my blog before the weekend only because I'll be leaving all y'all asses for NEW YORK BABY! And I'll be too busy having the time of my life to blog on Friday. I'm only gone for the weekend though, so don't get all emo on me; save your wrists for another day ;) I JOKE!

So my dad had a "serious" talk with me last night while I was packing and I had to share it with you guys (if you know my dad.. you already know it's a funny conversation, plus throw in the asian accent - priceless) and trust me, there will be plenty of these "serious dad talk" blogs. Anyways, as I was packing he asked me all this shit.. went a little something like this:

Daddy: Jenny?? (PLEASE NOTE: ONLY my parents can call me Jenny, those who try will be ignored or beaten to a pulp. Thank you.) Why you like to go New York too much? You know is'a velly (very) dangerous place, you know.

Me: Ugh.. (he nags me every day of every hour) 'cause dad, It's a lot of fun.. and it's different, it's like Toronto on crack!! (wrong move.)

Daddy, annoyed:
You know! You CANnot do da druk (drugs) there Jenny. Wha happen when you gotta go out to da clup (club), da boy put da druk in your dring (drink), and you black out and den dey rape and keww (kill) you?? Wha you gotta (gonna) do then, huh?! Maaake suuuure, you and Paula stay togeda and hold da hand and DONT leave each'oda. You hear me Jenny?

Me: Daaaaad! I KNOOOOW!! And no one's going to put drugs in my drinks dad. And I'm not doing drugs in New York dad. And if anyone tries to drug me, I'll just kill them before they kill me!! And then, I'll take their drugs and sell it!!

Daddy, more annoyed: DIS NOT A JOKE, OK JENNY!? WHEN I TEW (tell) YOU, I TEW YOU (LMAO, infamous line). Dis not funny ok? You CANnot kew da boy because den, dey gotta go get da gun and shoot in the clup. You can die! If you sell da druk, you gotta go to jaiw (jail) for life.

Me: Hahaha I'm just kidding dad. God, over exaggerate much? I'll be good, I promise.

Daddy: Why you gotta go to New york anyway? You have a boyfriend over dere?? Who you gotta go see over dere huh??

Me: I tooold you dad, I wanna go party in New York and they have good food and it's fun! And nooOoo I don't have a boyfriend there.... but i'm gonna go find one! I'm gonna find one, make him my boyfriend, marry him, get a green card and live there forever. Don't worry dad, It's only a 9 hour drive!

Daddy: WHAT?!?! OOoh no no no no no no. Don't go find a boy dere. Find a boy here. Why you wanna go marry dere. Dey have lots of good asian boy here.

Me: Umm........... ya, but dad... I'm not marrying an asian..... remember??

Daddy: So many asian boys, no asian boys in New York (totally ignored me)

Me: Ya there is! Plus, I'm going to get me a Latin husband dad; with swag. And you'll be a grand papi when I have kids. And they'll speak spanish and laos. And they'll be beautiful and inherit a big ass from their daddy. And we'll be a happy family!!

Ugh.. as long as no black guy Jenny.

Me: How about a light skinned one?? That counts right??

Daddy: Just finish pack your lugggage, and be careful.

Me: Love you daddyyyy haha

Daddy: *gives look of death/hate*

As you can tell, I love to bug my dad. My girls join in whenever they can, only because it's hilarious. My dad is the biggest over-exaggerator in life so we always tease him to show him he's overreacting; then again, I wasn't lying about a Latin hubby...


Anyways, shout out to my NY boys!! Can't wait to see everyone and party like there's no tomorrow, NY ain't ready for us! I'm going to rape this city up the ass.. ladies, please watch ya men cause I'm coming with my partner in crime and it won't our faults if they holla at us LOL I JOOKEE!! And for my girls staying in town, I wish you guys were coming.. have the best weekend and keep 6 for tricks while I'm gone! I love you guys!

Nothing's equivalent to the New York state of mind ♥

& ONE MORE THING: I didn't even realize how many people actually read and follow my blogs. Thanks for the messages, comments and support! I'm glad my retarded ways and thoughts keep you guys entertained haha!
Shout out to my PR rep, Quebec Quoc (inside joke)!!

NOTE: Stay fresh!
Swag: up, Game: up, Deuces: up - Done.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life Goes On.

In my lifetime I've said - I hate him; I want him; I had him; I left him.

I don't care what any girl says, women have fucked up minds - men have it bad too but I don't know if it's as bad as ours. I've grown up with the boys so I've heard both sides to a situation and I've learned to understand both sides; because of that, I feel like I have that ability to step back from the psychotic ways sometimes and acknowledge it haha.

I hate him. Time, energy and emotions invested only to get it thrown in your face. Anger, stupidity, disappointment.. all felt within a matter of seconds from seeing something you didn't want to see. Start to remember things you don't want to remember, feel things you don't want to feel and just replay sentences, visual memories and songs that made it real. Why hang on to anything that reminds you of him, that's so stupid. I hate him, I hate what happened, I hate that it went the way it did and I want nothing to do with him. That's the female side. Stepping back, I realize.. life goes on. He will feel what he feels, do what he does and do it without me in thought - so it wasn't done to hurt me. People change, people grow, life goes on and so must I.

I want him. Forbidden fruit, out of my control and not something I should chase. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. Others will frown upon me if I do, others will tell me to follow my instincts and I'll just trip my own mind out with the thought of it all. Is it worth it, is it stupid, is it just all in my head, should get over it and distract myself until it's gone? Fuck, I don't know. Ugh, I need a drink. That's the female side. Stepping back, I realize.. while I sit here and think about it, fuss about it, he's there living his life. He's got things to tend to, I've got life to tend to and unless it's for sure, I should let it go cause life goes on and so must I.

I had him.
Warm thoughts, smiles and memories of all that once was. I wonder if he remembers. I wonder if he knows that I wish the best for him. I wonder if he thinks of old times. I wonder if she knows about me and if she was told of only the worst. I wonder if things were different, I wonder if it was the same, I wonder if it never happened at all. I remember that time, I remember how I felt, I remember little things and everything else. That's the female side. Stepping back, I realize.. that what happens in life only happens for you to learn something about yourself. What makes you feel a certain way to a certain situation, what you put your guards up to, what you will and will not tolerate and more. This is all discovered through trials and failures, so accept and live - life goes on.

I left him. Oh I remember him! He was cool, he was funny, sweet guy and a lot of fun. Why'd we end things again? What ever happened to him? All the fun memories but when did it die out? Anyways, I'm sure he's fine and well. I wish him well. He's still a good friend or at least a friend with no resentment. I'll keep in touch with him, he's really nice and I do care. I'm going to bake him cookies :) That's the female side. Stepping back, I realize.. that we need to be more sensitive to those we string along or those we obliviously keep by. We need to remember what it felt like when we were in their shoes and to let things go if it isn't meant to stay. Life goes on, so let them.

This is as vulnerable as I will ever get, so enjoy it assholes. I still hate you, I still want you, I still had you and I still left you - I just understand it more.


All that bullshit's for the birds,
you ain't nothing but a vulture.
P.S: I like making pretzels. Ye, pretzels.

Get your hands out ya pants, you dirty birds.


Look at that line up and tell me you aren't going. Boy, must be out of your god damn mind!!

(Image provided by Http://

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bites of Addiction & Dunkees.

Re-post; Bite Of Addiction © By me, of course!

He said - you’re addicted to the lime light
I said - I will leave it when the time’s right
For times like, red petals, gold medals and
The high for the butterflies in the middle, man..
But I ain’t lookin for love,
What makes you think that ima love you when we met in a club, ha
Don’t get me twisted with these bitches that’ll fetch it, nah
I never chase it, I get - play - replace it, uh
I’m just kidding love, don’t take me seriously
But If you do, you should not be pursuing me
I’m like a big bag of bite, jokes and honesty
And I won’t cater to a young minds insecurities.

While we're on this creative tip, shout out to Justin Ku for introducing me to Dunkees. Now, I'm not a skater or a boarder, but I am a lover of all artistic creations. These guys are talented at creating decks and boards for their clients to brag about with top of the line materials and top of the line designs.

You think I joke? Check these bad bitches out:

My favourite one??

CHECK EM OUT AT WWW.DUNKEES.COM and see what else they have.

ALSO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINA!! It's her birthday weekend and it's the long weekend.. so good luck to her because my girls and I plan on FUCKING HER SHIT UP!! (I'll post pics up next blog.) Also, Hadia.. please stop dreaming about my blogs.. its weird HAHA LOVE YOU BOTH.


Sick beat, sick vocals, J. Cole is the next to blow up - come fucks wit it!

-- You know the party ain't the same without me ;) BITCHEEESS.