"So much on my mind that I can't recline, blastin' holes in the night till she bled sunshine...".
- Respiration; Blackstar ft Common
- Respiration; Blackstar ft Common
Colourful clothing, dresses, shorts and skirts, brag-worthy cars shined to perfection with tunes blasted beyond what's recommended for your ears..
Women that dare to dress a little more provocative and men that dare to be cheesier with the whistles and smooches..
Crying babies and toddlers out and about, curious to what's in the sky or what's on the grass..
Dogs of all sorts answering the child's curiousity with their urine or shit :) I smile to myself as I snap back to reality and think,
"Summer time.. you gotta love it."
Anyways, after realizing that - should I die tomorrow, people would only know me or remember as the chick who loves to party, the socialite of Toronto's events, the rowdy clown of her friends - I decided to create a blog of my own.. to give those who are interested (which really means "those that are bored") a little insight to what rambles on in my head.. I'll write and update as much as I can.. comment, hate me, love me, date me - do as you please; I am entitled to freedom of speech as much as you are.
Side Note: You are being forewarned now that all my blogs are not to be taken offensively or seriously - i will probably swear like a sailor, bitch like an ex-girlfriend or just rant like a psycho but it's all done and written with the good in my heart... or what's left of it anyways haha! **OH and always read the fine print in case you sign over your soul without knowing.. just a random tip**
Let's kick it old school before I go..
BUMBBAAAAAA love di site yo!!! muah xoxoxox