(Image provided by http:///gogreenmachine.org)
I love my city; Toronto, Canada baby!! I was born in the city and I will die in the city. There is so much here for anyone to love! It's not New York, It's not Cali or Miami, but It's my city; best city there is in my mind. There are so many reasons to be a proud Torontonian!
Two words come to mind when I think of ways to describe Toronto; Diversity & Multiculturalism. Everyone has a friend of another race or of every race, we have many areas to experience different cultures and foods, and everyone is as much of a proud Canadian as they are with their ethnic background. The perfect time to witness this is right now, as the World Cup takes place, with flags everywhere from people supporting their home or relative country, or even others supporting other countries - and this isn't frowned upon, it's taken in with appreciation.
Different types of food can be found anywhere and everywhere! We have a Little Italy, Little Portugal, Danforth for Greek dishes, west of Bloor for some Ethiopian Dishes and live music (You need to check out Pero Lounge on Sundays.. If you love r&b and live music, you'll love this place!!), Chinatown, Middle Eastern and Caribbean dishes can be found almost everywhere.. and I'm a fat ass so you KNOW I'm not lying about this shit.
Canadian artists are blasting into the industry and doing well. Congratulations to Drake on his album release this week with sales records expected to exceed 475 K by the end of JUST this week! If you still haven't gone out to get this, go out to any record store and purchase your copy today! SUPPORT YOUR ARTISTS PEOPLE!!!

(Image provided by http://www.netweed.com/hiphop/albums)
We also have an annual festival in the city where everyone from the US and even Trinidad comes out to experience a crazy party. I'm super fucking PUMPED for this.. CARIBANA TORONTO 2010 BABY!! Come out for the dancehall, soca, costume, parades and parties.. you will LOVE IT!! You'll definitely see me here every year!!
Check it out at CaribanaToronto.com

For future out of towners; If you are ever in the city and you need to figure out where to party, there are plenty of promotional companies to check out:
& plenty more.. give 'em a shout and I'm sure you'll have a great night out.
Catch me around if you can, suckas!
Let's end today with a couple of the boys from the home team, shall we?
TORONTO, STAND UP!!! We have PLENTY to be proud about!!
Now leave a comment & get the fuck out before I NERF your face in!! >=)

SOOOOO pumped for caribana this yr, last yr was crazy see if i can out do myself this yr !!! rep your city