Friday, June 4, 2010

Something like forever..

"Husbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that's never lost are your sisters."
-- Gail Sheeny

You know those female friendships we commonly see around where they're constantly fighting over stupid shit, breaking up friendships over men or drama, laughing together but talking shit behind each others back, holding grudges that will never be resolved and instead buried away to continue a friendship, all the while they're friends forever? You know, those girls that are the bestest of friends when partying but they're just whatever when they aren't out? Yaaaa... no, me neither. Thank god that what I have aren't female friendships - what I have are unbreakable bonds with sisters. A sisterhood.

I've seen groups of girls run their trials; break ups to make ups, summer friendships, fights to end all fights, friends turned best friends turned enemies replaced with new ones, only to see at all in a repetitive loop.. it's like watching a track skip because it's been ruined and no one's willing to fix it. I know, I know.. sometimes it's not their fault and not every friendship is that bad.. but I just wanted to take time to brag about my girls! (We all knew where this was leading to, so don't even roll those eyes!) Why? Because it's my blog and I can if I want to!! Plus you're reading it anyways!! :)

I won't talk too much.. All I want to say is that I'm grateful. I have these set of girls that have been with me through ridiculous heartaches, bullshit, drama, accomplishments, happiness and more. We've witnessed each others first kiss, first boyfriend, first love, first heartbreak, first job; we've witnessed each others first illegal night out, worst night out, best night out; we've man bashed, girl bashed, food bashed, music bashed; we've had our great times and our bad times.. and honestly, we're stronger and closer than ever. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Paula said it best, "From tweens to teens to young beautiful women." We've come along way ladies, 10 years (with the exception of M.R, 20) and counting.. let's keep it up for another 50! We'll be like Sex and The City.. except with more women.. and less sex... Okay let's just be Drinks and The City lol. Love you all to pieces.

xoxo PBJLHAM (Peanut Butter Jelly Ham, for those who don't know...)

And how lucky are we to have grown in beautiful swans? :) KK BYE PEOPLE!
Go stalk them on facebook!

And as always, let's just kick it..

1 comment:

  1. It was about time you got this started! I love you girl! I get what you are saying about friendships and hardships. So often the real ones go under appreciated and not attended to. After all this time, and now more than ever, I see what I have in front of me, and I've realized that in you I have the family that I've always wanted. There is nothing else i could ask for and I know that I am lucky. I'll do anything to keep you girls in my life and will always be here. Though we've made mistakes we have stuck it through. Love you all xoxo
