Firstly, I would like to say happy holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone. As you can clearly see, I've been slacking big time on my blog for the month of December, given that it's a busy month. I hope you all got what you wished for and more this Christmas; I hope you all had great turkey dinners and got as fat as I did; and I hope you all made memories with the people you love and care for this holiday.

So, this is it everyone. This week is the last week of 2010 - how do you plan on spending it? A lot has happened this year - what was your most memorable event? Plenty of ups and downs, trial and triumphs, gains and losses - do you have any regrets? A new beginning is coming up - what do you plan on achieving in 2011? New lessons in life and love - what have you learned about yourself and others? Have you found yourself? Do you know what you want?

Truthfully speaking, 2010 has been good to me. I've been blessed with a lot more sunny days than cloudy ones and I have my friends and family to thank for that. This year, I was more focused on the goal of keeping myself happy, no matter what.. and I think I can say that I've done well with that goal throughout the year. I've met a lot of people this year, plenty of new faces and places.. some stayed for the season, some I met for a reason and some that will last a lifetime.

A lot of trips to the US this year with the girls and during those trips we've met a few great people who we now call friends. It all began with the New York trip to The Heights to see Jbear, where we spent new years eve in Brooklyn, my birthday in Queens for Pio Pio and in Manhattan to party with the boys from Halos and 1Luv; another trip back to New York with our girls for their first time on Family Day where we roamed the streets of Harlem, partied all over and met the rest of the Halos crew; a much needed trip back out to Miami for P & I, and the first for my A-Team, to attend WMC where we partied with our NYC crew and met more interesting people; New York in July with my BFF; and lastly, another trip out to NY, my home away from home, with my BFF and my BOO in October. I hope 2011 is just as great!

For the majority of this year, we were all single and painting our city RED with trouble and mischief. Every weekend was filled with a funny ass story, nights out made memorable due to our hilarious ways, shenanigans galore and more. The pizza store fight on my birthday when P actually said "Hold My Purse" before she knocked some dude in the face (LMAO), the invention of signals and bird calls with the girls (caCAWW!), the night H finally finished her university program and we took her ass out to celebrate... (cough, cough LOL), pool parties and boat cruises, New York nights out, birthday nights are always something, fishing trips, camping trips, balloon fights, yard nights and summer nights.. just to name a few.

Lost a couple and gained a few this year; all without regrets. A year filled with newfound friendships, rekindling of older friendships and new loves - but it wasn't all smiles and laughter, I definitely hit a couple bumps along the way.. maybe a few BUT who's counting anyways. Every love and heartache is a lesson to be learned in itself, and you always get an opportunity to embrace that lesson or to be blinded by it all and repeat it. I seem to be one of those people who learn the lesson and end up repeating it... I'm an idiot, I know haha. There was, at one point, a month of drama but we gained a great friend in the end.. and this certain someone, who shall remain nameless, couldn't be anymore of a perfect fit with us. We got you, boo :)

Went through a lot as a person this year and with some things that dragged on from 2009. I'm proud with the person that I am and with the person I have become. What, a few, of you still don't seem to understand is that I am the way I am; quirks, loudness, aggression, profanity, bluntness, laughter, jokes, love, hate, rudeness, niceness and it all.. and It is what it is. Don't try to change me because I sure as hell won't for you and I know that I don't try to change any of your asses. You are the way you are and I accept you with your flaws and all - why is it so hard for you to do the same for me? Suck it up buttercup, I was born this way and I'll be going out this way. Will I ever change? Probably with certain traits but that's in due time.. for now, you're either with me or you're bitching outside my bubble, and frankly, both sound fan-fuckin'-tastic to me!

I think what I love the most out of all that has happened in 2010 is being able to see all of my girls happy. I'm not even saying that to sound cliche or to gloat but I can truly say that every single one of my girls are happy. They're all having fun, they're all with great guys, they're all smiling without regrets and that makes my heart smile; that fact, alone, beats all the nights out and all the trips combined. I know that if I ever need my girls, they'll be here for me in a heart beat and thus far, they haven't let me down. I'm blessed and I'm thankful for the girls I got rollin with me; for my truthful and loyal ones; for my new and old ones; for my girl out west to my girls out east. All I need in this life of sin are me and my girlfriends - down to ride to the very end.. PN, MR, LC, LN, HC, BG, RS, AS (Ms. MIA) & RS.

I'm hoping that the upcoming new year will be just as great and eventful as this year. I pretty much know what I want to do, where I want to go, what I want to gain and lose and what needs to be done to get what I want. I'm hoping that I grow with friends and let go of enemies (i.e.; chihuahuas that bark and don't bite) and I'm hoping to grow, more than I already have, as a person. I want to live with no regrets and I want to live in the moment, but most of all and most importantly, I just want to be happy - mentally, emotionally, wholeheartedly. Make me happy.

With Christmas out of the way and New Years tickets already in hand, the last things I have to worry about in 2010 is the purchase of a nice NYE dress and the planning of my birthday. I cannot wait for the holidays to end and I cannot wait to start a new year. Hello 2011 and goodbye 2010; I won't forget ya, I'll try not to miss ya, but I got to let you go. It's time to write a new and better chapter filled with fun, and as Mona likes to say, "Good people, good music, good times." Let's keep implenting that motto into our lives.

New memories with new faces, a new year with a new age to experience; I'm ready for ya. I need to pick and plan my birthday, still deciding on a venue and on a suitable night - I just want a night of fun and no drama.. perhaps a cake, champagne and ticket to brazil? Haha I'm kidding. Everyone says I'm quarter way through my life and they ask me how it feels.. I tell them It feels the same and I feel like I'm more at the mid-life crisis point. Time to get me a blonde bitch and a sports car! Mama asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told her nothing, what I have is enough... then of course she laughed and asked me what I really wanted, and I told her the winning lottery ticket haha. Daddy asked if I was happy, I said I was content. Brother asked me if I was good and I said as good as I can be. I will get to where I'm going; I'm not in a race to get there because If I speed past my present, I'll regret looking back to nothing. You know?

2010 was filled with a lot of "I love you, I loved you, I will love you", "I hate you, I hated you, I will hate you", "I miss you, I've missed you, I will miss you" and "I don't regret you". History will always repeat itself, it's just the way life works. I hope 2011 will bring more loving and missing and less hating and words of regrets. I wish you all a year filled with new life experiences and lessons; I wish you all the opportunities to grow as a person and to learn things about yourself that you've never known; I wish you the ability to let go and let in; I wish you a safe Winter, a spontaneous Spring, a daring Summer and an easy Fall; I wish you all happiness in love, adrenaline in lust, strength in pain, confidence in dares and trust in honesty; I wish you well and I wish you the best. I hope that this blog post will suffice from what I lacked thereof in December. Thank you all for being here with me and for reading with me thus far :)

The next time you read my shit, it will be 2011.. so I want to finish off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Kiss that person when it hits midnight and smile - a whole new year awaits you.
I love you to my close ones;
& I loathe you to my haters.
If you plan to ride my ass on my every move, at least pull my hair; make it somewhat enjoyable for me, you vultures!

Anyways, you know the deal;
comment, hate me, love me, date me
-- or you can do what you do best and stalk me from a far, perves lol.
love the post hun. glad 2010 was the bomb for u. hope 2011 is even better :)