When you involve yourself with something, anything, and you over indulge; when do you tell yourself that enough is enough? Are you able to even tell yourself that or do you just turn your eyes the other way and continue. Do you listen to the voices in your head or the feelings inside? Caught up in some twisted reality and now you don't know what to do.. so.. what do you do?
Curiousity is dangerous. You want to know things you don't need to know, things that will probably harm you and things that are just open ended questions that can be answered in so many ways. Prying for all of this is either something you need to do or something you should leave alone. How far will your curiousity push you? Sometimes, you wonder if you could just make him happy, whether it be in a platonic manner or otherwise. Sometimes, you wonder if the grass is really greener on the other side. Sometimes you wonder if there even is another side. Complications are to be expected in anything you do in life. Do you fall back and watch it burn or do you keep a strong shoulder, duck your head and go through with it? Risks; will you take them?
Persistence is optional. Choosing to push yourself in pursuing anything, you know that going into it, it will take some willingness and patience; some commitment and sacrifice; some good times and bad; and something that's most important, knowing that there will be a future of unknown. In the end, it is up to you to decide on whether or not it's all worth it. Will you stick through the rough times and try to see the good? Do you continue with this battle in your head? Should you cut it now and move the fuck on, forget it ever happened and just smile? Should you keep at it because you think it's the best thing to do? Harder than you think. Easier said than done. Risks; will you take them?
Acceptance brings you peace in mind. You will encounter and pass by events, people and questions in life every day. I find it easier to deal with things by just accepting it for what it is. Accept that there may be nothing, a future, an ending, complications and the unknown. It's not being pessimistic in my mind, it's being real. I'm a realist before all optimism and pessimism. Accept that you will have to work for what you want or believe in and accept that you may lose all you have invested in the end. In life you must accept that there will be unexpected lives and unexpected deaths, natural or not.. You wish life was easier but accept that this is how it is. Now that I've said that and if you understand me, then the question is a little easier to answer. Risks; will you take them?
& If you're here to creep, creep. I like knowing you have nothing better to do than to dwell on my well being :)
PS: SFFs & BFFs = HID.
so sweet, so sweet, so sweet.
Appreciating my past and loving my present.
Thank you to all involved for making it worthwhile.. ♥
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